Friday 24 June 2016


It is difficult though...:(

I don't think i can handle this kind of relationship..

How to move on..

That's a time that you said..
Must say it out whenever we face some problems..

I did...
But!!you remain silent..and avoid my question..

What's the point..

What you want me to wait for..

I feel that is wasting my precious time..

Your time are so limited..
Till you do not have the time to explain?

I do not really like this kind of feeling..
Could you please make it clear..

Do not pretend like nothing happened..
Be more mature please!!
Do not be so selfish..
Do not think of your own..
**(Only if you are single, then, you could do whatever you want.!!!)

1 comment:

  1. Cheer up dajie! Anything can just call us out, don't keep inside your heart.
    Jiayou dajie! We'll meet up next week! <3
